
What is Grace? — 10 Comments

  1. It’s interesting–and inspiring–that there are so many different interpretations of Grace, and different ways to incorporate it into your own life, be it through prayer, action, etc. I find it notable that almost every one has to do with love, be it God’s love for humans, our love for God, or our love for each other (which in turn honors God).

  2. I love James 4:6 and often think of that quote: He giveth more grace. So cool! I’ve read the book by Phillip Yancey too. So much to meditate on regarding grace. Thanks so much. Blessings, Amy

  3. Hope you don’t mind a male butting in. I think you did a splendid layout of the attributes and applicayions of grace and it should be of some use to those who need to focus their search for grace. One detail I ,picked up on was “legalism” and what you said is correct,although another spiritual aspect of legalism,is to use God,s revelation as a means to controle, rather than submit to God’d direction. Two aspects of legalism are the placing of unnecessary tecnicalities that impede one’ saalvation, and the other less adressed version of legalism is the use of tecnica;ities to escape the responsabilities of spiritual struggle. The good bews ia than ,in the end , God isn’t going to ask “Did you die totally victorious?”, but rather.”Did you die keeping up the struggle?” That’s where God’s grace will be applied to bring us into the ranks of the Blessed.

    • You are welcome to comment, thanks for doing so. I never intended my blog post to be exhaustive or comprehensive, the topic is too inexhaustible for that. I think I mentioned that. Thanks for adding another point of view.

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